Friday, March 8, 2013

Old Ass Ex Celebrity May be Sex Recruiter of Children

**************** BLIND ITEM********************** I WOULD LOVE TO SAY WHO IT IS, BUT THE LAW STINKS AND HE MAY HAVE RIGHTS!!! PLUS THERE ISNT ENOUGH PROOF TO THIS ALLEGATION... AND IT MAY NOT BE TRUE.. ANYTHING TO DO WITH INOCENT CHILDREN NEED TO BE FOCUSED ON! I am receiving blind Item emails in regards to celebrities I do know and I never heard of and I am very concerned. The reason why I am concerned because the blogs I am writing are not to harm people that are decent and I cant understand why information is being sent to me. Ive received dirty emails about: 1)Claudia Jordan - Never heard of the girl and do not care who she sleeps with. I am not concerned how this woman uses her body to make money. Whether it is true or not? don't care! 2) I received an email about a male singer hanging out in gay parks in Los Angeles and hanging out in trashy Adult Stores. Even though that's sad to hear and I hope that he gets the help he needs, what I don't like is that this guy may be a sex trade recruiter for younger girls and boys. Note to the Meth Head Celebrity from Claudia Reid: If you want to continue to take drugs and do whatever to get your drug candy go ahead! its your funeral. But what I don't like is children being used, sold, violated, raped and etc and you and anyone that does this HORRIBLE thing to children should be tortured and burned in a urine soaked bush. I know you have children and suppose that happened to your daughters and sons. We looked up to you and your music and for you to sink to the bottom is your fault! Hollywood or wherever you came from and whatever situation you are in pain for is a problem that you need to work out! But for you to use children to suffer in that life to get HIGH! You need to be stopped and hanged! I will never listen to your music ever! If I could only expose your ass.... I would but the law sucks! You will get your due! Mr. Ex superstar! Ex celebrity! I doubt the children you do this too don't even know your old raggedy ass! Celebrity my ass! Your a monster and death is too easy for you! May God protect your children after your sorry ass death by METH. Looser... Claudia Reid Blogger

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